Before Care: Preschool-6th grade
The Before Care program begin at 6:30am - 7:30am. You can drop your student off anytime after 6:30. The students will be supervised by a teacher, it will vary based on day. Please walk your students in through the front door and proceed to the designated classroom. You will need to sign your student in as a way to track attendance. The cost is on a sliding scale based upon the number of students signed up each day via sign up genius form: $17.25 for one child; $8.75 for two children; $5.75 for three children; $4.50 for four children; $3.50 for five or more children.
Aftercare is located in the Father Callahan Room. Children will be walked to the Father Callahan Room by Ms. Seyller (Aftercare teacher) at the end of the school day, or if a child has not been picked up by 3:15 PM they will be sent to Aftercare. Students can be picked up from Aftercare by using the double doors located at the west side of the school facing Brinton Avenue. Students must be signed out by their parent/guardian, or an adult that has been prearranged by the parent and school. We will be providing an online form soon to encourage contact-free sign out.
Registration and Payment:
Before and After care is a service St. Anne School lovingly provides to our families. Utilize the service as little, or as often, as needed. There will be two monthly billing cycles, the 1st-15th, then 16th-end of the month. You will be billed through FACTS. Payment will be made by FACTS. There is an additional charge for Aftercare if you child is not picked up by 5:30 PM.
For questions, contact the school office at 815-288-5619 or email at [email protected].